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Library Bookshelves

Thoughts and Psychology

I'm getting my master's in psychology which is why this blog isn't JUST about food, but about how food makes us think and feel. Here you can find all things related to the history of foods (which impact our thoughts and perceptions), as well as any relevant studies or cool things I learn in class that I think y'all might like!


Have a question? Let me know! I'd love to explore with you.

Psychology: Welcome


How reducing shame with compassion can help people suffering from eating disorders

This paper is one I wrote for a class and it was so amazing to read. I was inspired by the study I summarize, which indicates that self-compassion may be a powerful tool in reducing behaviors related to eating disorders. Click the 'read more' link if you want to read my summary and grab references!

Psychology: Text


Self harm in Teens - Get Help

Self-harm in teens is tough. Check out my blog post here with helpful links and videos to help you help yourself as much as your kid. You are not alone!

Psychology: Text
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