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#Thoughts: A survivor of Bulimia does an assignment on Self Harm in Teens - Help for Parents

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

For a final assignment as part of my master's program in psychology at Pepperdine University, I researched what happens to parents when they discover their teens are dealing with self-harm. I was bulimic as a teen, which isn't technically a form of self-harm but I found a lot of similarities between why I engaged with bulimia (ie. to manage tough emotions) and what self-harmers do. I know my parents struggled with how to help me, but they got me psychological support and it's the reason I am alive today. Therefore, I was interested to know if my parents were alone. I found a ton of insights that I summarize HERE (including references). I also made two series of tiktok vids, check them out if you want to know more. I linked the first video, and you can cruise to the rest if they are helpful!

Above everything else, if you are dealing with self-harm or your teen is - get psychological support for yourself and your teen. There is hope.

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